世界遺産パラワンの地下河川洞窟!Underground river in Palawan



What are the World Heritage Sites in the Philippines? I think there are very few people who can answer the question, “What are the World Heritage Sites in the Philippines? In fact, there are six. One of them is the Underground River Cave in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. It is highly recommended for adventure lovers. Let me introduce it to you.

ロケーション・アクセス方法  Location & Directions

  • 場所はフィリピンの西側にあるパラワン島のおよそ中央にあります。パラワン島といえばエルニドが有名ですが、そこではなくプエルトプリンセサにその世界遺産があります。
  • マニラから飛行機でプエルト・プリンセサまで約1時間半のフライト時間です。プエルト・プリンセサから北へ50kmにあり、車で約2時間、そこからボートで20分程度いったところにあります。秘境感があります(笑)。現地ツアーに申し込むのが一般的で大きめの車で参加者のホテルに寄ってピックアップをして連れて行ってくれます。色々なホテルに寄るので、こんなホテルもあるんだね、というのが分かるのも面白いですし、車中でツアーガイドが色々と説明してくれます、英語で!。私の参加した時のツアー料金は1人、1800ペソ(昼食含む)でした。


  • The location is in the approximate center of Palawan Island in the western part of the Philippines. Palawan Island is famous for El Nido, but its World Heritage Site is located in Puerto Princesa, not there.
  • It is about an hour and a half flight from Manila to Puerto Princesa. It is located 50 km north of Puerto Princesa, about 2 hours by car and 20 minutes by boat from there. It has a sense of seclusion (laugh). It is common to sign up for a local tour, and a large car will stop by the participants’ hotels to pick them up and take them there. The tour guide will explain everything in the car, in English! The tour fee when I joined the tour was 1800 pesos per person (including lunch).

ユネスコ世界自然遺産:地下河川公園  UNESCO World Natural Heritage: Underground River Park

  • 1999年にユネスコの世界自然遺産に登録されました。見どころは海からアクセスできる地下河川洞窟ですが、その一体の地下河川公園が世界遺産として登録されています。
  • 船で行くことのできる地下河川としては世界最長の8.2kmなんです。観光として行けるのは4.3kmまでですが、十分楽しめることができます!


  • This site was registered as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site in 1999. The highlight of the park is the underground river caves accessible from the sea, and the entire underground river park is registered as a World Heritage site.
  • It is the world’s longest underground river accessible by boat at 8.2 km. Although only 4.3 km of the river is accessible as a sightseeing trip, it can be fully enjoyed!

サバンという港からバンカーボートに乗ります!  You will take a bunker boat from a port called Sabang


Driving from Puerto Princesa, you will transfer to a bunker boat at this port. When you arrive at the port, local children will come to sell you drinks as shown in the picture below. I recommend that you order a fresh fruit shake. You will wait for the boat to leave while drinking a juice.

バンカーボートの到着する島!  The island where the bunker boat arrives

It takes about 15 minutes by boat to get there. There is a feeling of a hidden island here already.

洞窟の入り口はこんな感じです!  The entrance to the cave looks like this

Accessed from the clear and calm sea. I already feel great!

さあ、洞窟の中へ!  Now, into the cave


I can get enough of the excitement. I feel like the hero of Indiana Jones. It is pitch black inside. The guide will light up the cave with a light and take you slowly on a rowboat. It is cool inside, and the only sounds you can hear are the sound of the boat moving slowly and the chirping of bats. There are rocks of various shapes, some resembling the shape of food or animals (laugh). You can listen to the explanations inside with earphones. You can choose your language, so don’t worry, you could listen to it in Japanese as well!

島にいる泥棒サルには気をつけて!  Watch out for thieving monkeys on the island


There are small monkeys on the island. But be careful, they are after tourists’ belongings. I actually saw a monkey take a bag right in front of me. They look cute, but don’t be fooled.


