日本主要都市⇔フィリピンマニラのフライト情報 Flight Information from Major Japanese Cities to Manila, Philippines



The following is a list of airlines that offer direct flights from major cities in Japan as of September 2023. Prices vary greatly depending on the time of year, but a round-trip ticket departing in mid-October would cost between 30,000 yen and 50,000 yen for an LCC (low-cost carrier) and between 80,000 yen and 100,000 yen for an FSC (full-service carrier). The flight time is about 4 hours and 30 minutes, so if the flight time is fine with you, LCC is no problem for your choice.

(東京) 成田 羽田   (Tokyo)  Narita,  Haneda

フィリピンエアー  3便  3便
JAL        1便  1便
ANA        3便   3便
ジェットスター     1便    –
エアアジア     1便      –
ZIPAIR                   1便     –
セブパシフィック   2便     –

行き:東京→マニラ   from Tokyo to Manila

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)


帰り:マニラ→東京   from Manila to Tokyo

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)


(大阪)   Osaka

フィリピンエアー 2便
ANA        2便
エアアジア    1便
セブパシフィック 1便

行き:大阪→マニラ   from Osaka to Manila

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)


帰り:マニラ→大阪   from Manila to Osaka

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)


(名古屋)  Nagoya

フィリピンエアー 1便
ジェットスター    1便
セブパシフィック 1便

行き:名古屋→マニラ   from Nagoya to Manila

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)

帰り:マニラ→名古屋   from Manila to Nagoya

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)

(福岡)  Fukuoka

フィリピンエアー 1便
セブパシフィック 1便

行き:福岡→マニラ   from Fukuoka to Manila

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)

帰り:マニラ→福岡   from Manila to Fukuoka

Example: October 2023 flight (information as of September 23)

