フィリピンでもスターリンク接続可能に!Starlink connection available in the Philippines


フィリピンでもスターリンク接続可能 Starlink connection available in the Philippines




Data Lake, a Philippine company, has partnered with SpaceX, an American space exploration company, to Starlink, SpaceX’s Internet connection service using satellites, is now available to consumers. The sales will take place at 83 stores operated by SM Supermalls, a subsidiary of SM Group. The price is 29,000 pesos for a set of dedicated antenna, model, power adapter, and tripod

The biggest advantage of Starlink is that it can connect to the Internet even in places where there is no fiber-optic or cellular phone signal. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that it cannot be used while on the move. Also, it cannot communicate directly with smartphones, It is necessary to install a dedicated antenna. In the future, it is expected that direct communication with smartphones will be possible. If this happens, we will be able to use the Internet wherever we go in the world.

PLDT、国内最高速ネット提供開始  PLDT launches the fastest internet service in the country



PLDT, the Philippines’ leading telecommunications company, has announced that it will begin offering fiber-optic service plans of up to 10 gigabits per second by March 2024. The service will initially be available to some high-capacity users and will be expanded to Metro Manila by the end of the year, Cebu and Davao next year.

Ten gigabytes is about the same speed as NTT’s service in Japan, etc. Ten years ago, the Internet environment in the Philippines was so bad that it was impossible to watch videos. But recently, I feel that it is rapidly improving and more and more familiar with the world.



