フィリピンのセブでマラソン Joining a marathon in the Philippines


セブシティマラソン2024 (CEBU CITY MARATHON 2024)

フィリピンのマラソンイベントカレンダー (Marathon calender)

Just like in any other countries, Running events or marathons are popular in the Philippines especially for health enthusiasts.
There are many events calendered for the year and you may check the schedule through this link:


CCM2024 Cebu City Marathon

Let me share my experience when I joined my first ever running event in Cebu, Philippines, the “CCM 2024” last January 14, just one week before Cebu City’s Sinulog festival.
CCM 2024 is one of the biggest running event in the Philippines and it’s well known for its route which is to go across the longest bridge in the Philippines, the CCLEX with an 8.9-kilometer length.


常夏フィリピンは早朝マラソン (The gun start is very early in the morning)

An early morning start is the Filipino way of running a marathon to avoid heat stroke.

セブの海上大橋を走る! (Go across the longest bridge)

You can see a nice view! But the wind is strong and hard as runners run over the sea.

コスプレランナーでも参加OK (Costumed runners)

There were people wearing PR costumes for the Cebu festival a week later and banana twins. It is interesting that the loose conditions for participation are also very unique to the Philippines.

今年の参加者は8,100人 (8,100 runners participated)

A crazy number of people participated!! This year, 8,100 runners participated.

